Live Music Consumption of the Adolescents of Generation Z
Adolescents, Live music, Segmentation, Live music events, SocialitiesAbstrakti
Getting more adolescents to participate in live music would increase the vitality and sustainability of venues and popular music culture. We studied 15–18-year-old Finnish adolescents of Generation Z and their live music consumption habits with the help of segmentation. The research questions were: Why and with whom do adolescents attend live music events? What kind of live music events do adolescents go to? and, What kind of knowledge do these typologies provide about adolescents’ needs from a broader perspective? Considering that there is a vast number of segmentation studies based on event participation motives, it is peculiar that there are no motivational segmentation studies on adolescent event participants. One of the reasons might be that traditionally youth has been considered as a single homogenous consumer segment. Our results showed that adolescent live music event attendees demonstrated different needs. Four segments were identified: adolescents driven either by content, scene, friendship or social factors.
Article cover photo: Jaana Ahvenainen.
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