About the Journal

Etnomusikologian vuosikirja (‘The Yearbook of Ethnomusicology’) is a Finnish peer reviewed open access music research journal.

The first volume of Etnomusikologian vuosikirja was published in 1986. Since 2010, the yearbook has been published online. The Yearbook is published by the Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology.

Peer review

The Finnish Yearbook of Ethnomusicology has been granted the use of the label for peer-reviewed scholarly publications issued by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and is committed to complying with the terms set for the label. 

The publication process

The deadline for submission of manuscripts is in January-February. The exact date is announced in the call for articles sent out in November. Manuscripts are uploaded to the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. Upon receiving the manuscript, editors will decide if the text is sent for peer review, returned to the author for revision, or rejected. When the manuscript is ready for review, the text is sent to two anonymous peer reviewers, who independently write a statement about the article. The reviewers will – among other things – comment on the relevance of the study, its placement in the field of music research in Finland, the motivation and suitability of the approach, the level of argumentation, consistency as well as clarity of the language. Reviewers may suggest the article to be published as such, to be published with minor or major revision or to be rejected.

The review statements along with editors comments are sent to the authors after which they can revise the text accordingly. If the author chooses not to carry out the suggested revisions, he or she should motivate this decision to the editors. Content wise revised and finalised articles are again sent to the editors via the OJS platform. Images, tables and other audiovisual material are included as separate attachments.

The Yearbook layout is compiled during the autumn. During the proofreading process no changes to the content of the text are to be made. Aspects of the layout, the placement of images and tables, sheet music, spelling etc. are the only matters to be considered in this phase. The Yearbook is published on the open access OJS platform in December.

Open Access Publication Licence

The material in this publication is covered by an open access licence for scientific journals (CC BY-NC-ND licence). This licence allows the materials to be distributed and used for non-commercial purposes, provided that the original publication credits are acknowledged and other terms of the licence and normal scientific citation practices are followed. The author has the right to parallel publish the published version of the article on their website or to store it in a digital archive open to the public immediately after publication. Where possible, the parallel publication should be linked to the original publication on the website of the Yearbook of Ethnomusicology. The author may republish texts published in the Yearbook of Ethnomusicology, for example as part of a thesis, as long as the original publication details of the text are cited. The metadata on journal.fi is licensed under CC0. For more information on open access licences, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/